West Bengal is on the threshold of entering an era of industrial rejuvenation thanks to the new industrial policy of the Govt. of WestBengal. At this juncture there will be an increasing demand of trained technical persons capable of driving our state to the 21 Century. Day by day the industries are orienting themselves towards automation & Computerisation resulting in a huge demand of qualified Computer Professionals. Private computer training institutes are offering various courses to take advantage of this situation where Govt. institutes are not enough in number to cater to this demand of Computer Training. The Sports & Youth Services Department (Youth Services Branch) OF Govt. of West Bengal has come forward in this connection to help set up Computer Training Institute to cater to the increasing needs of the Youth of WEST Bengal. Being encouraged by the success achieved by the District Youth Computer Training Centres the facilities of Computer Training are gradually being expanded to include the Sub-divisional headquarters of West Bengal & also the rural areas.